利记sbo offers several institutes and centers that involve participation from throughout the University and the public to address issues of common interest and concern.
These institutes and centers offer programs and conduct studies that focus on specific cultural, 专业, and intellectual topics; provide services to 学生 and the public; and bring a wide range of experts to the University to speak to interested groups.
The 利记sbo应用伦理学研究所 was founded in 1986 and has been affiliated with 利记sbo since 1987. 在现任董事克里斯托弗. 谜题, 学院提倡对学院内当代伦理问题的公开讨论, 专业团体和市民团体, 以及更广泛的社区. 其目标是促进对广泛的道德问题的知情评估, 包括但不限于与医疗保健相关的信息, 商业与经济, 科学技术, 社会正义与法律, 还有环境. 该研究所与学生合作, 教师, 专业人士, 以及公众赞助的会议, 研讨会, 研讨会, 讲座及媒体活动. The Institute hosts a series of public lectures that are designed to be a rigorous and accessible engagement with topics that are of interest not only to academics, 但是更大的群体. The goal of these lectures is to foster an understanding of many of the ethical issues facing society today.
除了这些讲座, the Institute forms working groups that produce policy 研究 on various themes throughout the year. The results of these meetings, as well as the published 研究, are made available to the public.
除了专题讨论会系列和工作组之外, the Institute hosts an annual conference focusing on an especially urgent issue facing society that year.
利记sbo's 人体工程学分析与研究中心 (CEAR) provides opportunities for educational programs, 研究, 为机构提供人体工程学咨询, 其他公司, 和他们的工人. CEAR的专业员工应用最具创新性, 来自物理治疗领域的循证技术, 生物力学, 以及减少工作场所伤害的人体工程学, 提高生产率, 促进健康和健康. CEAR's mission is to benefit the 利记sbo community through a combination of educational outreach efforts, 研究和服务学习项目, 咨询合同.
成立于2000年春季学期, 历史研究中心, 由利记sbo历史系赞助, 为学生提供资源和帮助, 教师, 以及社区成员, 谁在从事当地和全球历史项目. 该中心的目标是:
- 支持正在做“历史项目”的学生," an annual collaborative 研究 project undertaken by graduating 利记sbo history majors.
- 出版“历史计划”的年度论文集."
- 协助学生和教师进行当地和全球历史研究.
- 促进利记sbo与周边社区的联系.
- 整理和保存历史资源.
- 与利记sbo的民族遗产研究中心合作.
- Promote scholarly excellence through the 利记sbo chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta National Honor Society.
The Computer Forensics 研究 and Development Center (CFRDC) of 利记sbo opened May 7, 1999. It is the result of a study on the state-of-the-art in computer forensics funded by the Air Force 研究 Laboratory/Information Directorate. The study identified a crucial need for an organization to facilitate the 研究 and development of a new generation of computer forensic tools and methods. CFRDC汇集了军队的主要组织, 执法, 商业行业, 和学术界帮助快速推进法医信息科学的新兴领域. 该中心位于利记sbo,由一个顾问委员会管理. 它的主要合作伙伴是空军研究实验室, 国家执法和惩戒技术中心-东北(NLECTC-NE), 和WetStone Technologies, 公司.
1981年由荣休教授欧仁. 纳塞尔, the 尤金·保罗·纳萨尔民族遗产研究中心 serves as a clearinghouse for the creation of courses, 研讨会, 以及种族研究方面的出版物, 尤其是处理纽约中部地区的少数民族问题. 它监督弗兰克E. 甘尼特纪念图书馆民族研究藏书. 与“图书馆之友”组织协调民族节日活动, 向尤蒂卡更大的族群致敬.
The 人权倡导方案 of 利记sbo (HRAP) was established in 1992 by attorneys Theodore Zang, 收.利记sbo教授西奥多. 奥林先生. HRAP's purpose is to counsel and train non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in transitional democracies. 相应的, 在尤蒂卡学院和私人捐款的支持下, 它定期与东欧和中欧的人权倡导者合作(例如.g.(阿尔巴尼亚、保加利亚、科索沃、摩尔多瓦、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克)、非洲和远东(台湾). HRAP's approach is to provide in-field training and technical assistance to human rights NGOs and their supporters, 并通过国际交流提供咨询. 人权行动方案与赫尔辛基委员会和独立的人权非政府组织密切合作, 支持其法律辩护工作, 对侵犯人权行为的监测, 以及他们的人权教育项目, 等. It also provides technical support and training to university human rights centers in the Balkans and elsewhere. As part of its training effort it invites young human rights advocates from transitional democracies to study and train at 利记sbo for a semester. 与利记sbo的学生一起学习, 这些倡导者研究人权法和其他专业领域, 将对人权工作有用的技能和知识带回本国. 利记sbo 学生 benefit from their exposure to the experiences of these human rights advocates.
The 综合保健研究所 provides many opportunities for 学生 to collaborate and participate in 专业 研究, 并与社区中的医疗保健提供者建立牢固的伙伴关系. Integrative healthcare acknowledges the varied strategies that individuals may choose to keep themselves healthy, including a broad range of strategies – some of which are evidence-based and some perhaps not – which could include natural, 文化和其他传统干预. 简而言之,它是在治疗“整个”病人.
The idea for a Consortium was initiated at a Human Rights Education conference at the University of Dayton (Dayton, 1999年4月,俄亥俄州). The Consortium was created as an informal arrangement in 2000 at a meeting held at 利记sbo (then Utica College). In attendance were 教师 representatives from Universities/Colleges offering undergraduate degree granting human rights programs as well as other prominent educators.
该联盟的灵感来自《利记sbo》(1948年)... “每个人,每个社会机构, ...应通过教学和教育努力促进对这些权利和自由的尊重...". 其目的和宗旨与联合国大会决议是一致的. 宣布2005年正式结束的“人权教育十年”.
以利记sbo公共关系学位项目的前负责人命名, 雷蒙德·西蒙公共关系研究所 was founded in 1986 with the purpose of enhancing Utica's public relations and journalism programs. 为了达到这个目的,研究所:
- 表彰杰出的公共关系/新闻校友或校友
- 授予本和吉恩·科莫拉奖学金, 约翰·贝伦斯新闻奖学金, 以及雷蒙德·西蒙奖学金
- provides monetary support for 教师 projects and student activities through the Bob '78 and Ellen Feldman Fund
- 承担Eleanor Sokolow/RSI驻校专业人员项目的费用, which brings outstanding 专业人士 in public relations and journalism to campus for several days
PIR项目的资金是由欧文·科莫拉1953年和他的妻子提供的, 贝蒂, 以她已故母亲的名字命名. 每年,RSI还显示:
- 乔治三世. Jones的60个杰出公关/J学生奖分别颁发给四个班级的学生
- the Owen Comora '53 Tangerine award to the most valuable staff member of the College newspaper
- 弗雷德和科琳·格拉茨的RSI成就奖
- 弗莱厄蒂创意奖
- 大卫·德亚历山德罗72年暑期实习奖, 授予帮助支付学生实习的费用
这些年度奖学金和现金奖励, 通过PR/J校友的慷慨捐助得以实现, are granted to encourage excellence on the part of 学生 in the public relations/journalism program. 获奖者的选择是由PR/J教师和RSI的执行主任.
社会工作:博士. 学生莎拉·基朔在社交互动和健康方面有了惊人的发现
Dr. 朱利安Damashek examines connection between aging water infrastructures and antibiotic resistance
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